Men in Black.
I have watched Men in Black several times because I like Will Smith. Will Smith plays
detective James Edwards. Will Smith is a very good actor. I watched some movies in
which he appeared, for example, I watched I Am Legend, Hancock, Bad Boys and The
Pursuit of Happyness.
Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones are a nice pair. Tommy Lee Jones appears for a
commercial in Japan. He is a very famous actor.
This movie is my favorite movie. When I was high school student, I watched this
movie for the first time. I watched this movie with my father. My father like Americans
movies and this movie is recommended by my father. I thought that this movie like
Indiana Jones, but this movie is a comedy movie. I laughed for many times when I
watched this movie. The setting is aliens change form to human on the earth and live
there. There is a secret organization called MIB. The dog appeared in this movie. This
dog is speaking!! My favorite scene of this movie is when Detective James Edwards
helps the delivery of the alien. The part I dislike of this movie is when the Bug of the
alien takes over a human being.
This movie is the first of a series of 3 movies. Series 1 was released is 1997. Series 2
was released is 2002. The last Men in Black series release is 2012. I like American
movie, but I don’t like aliens. I often watch to American movie. Men in Black story is
extermination of aliens. I watched this movie and it makes me happy. I wrote this
review now. I want to watch Men in Black. But, I want to sleep. I watch to Men in Black
in tomorrow. If you should watch it in your free time. 320/10,001
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