I like CNBLUE. CNBLUE is Korean artist. Recently, I like K-pop artist. I first like K-pop artist is CNBLUE. CNBLUE is Rock band.

This group is very very popular in the world. This group leader is Jong yong Hwa. He is guitar and vocal. Second guitar is Lee Jong hyoung. Base is Lee Jong shinn. Dram is kang min hyuk. CNBLUE's member is very cool and interest. And they are active part as an actor. I went to they concert in last year. I went to Fukuoka. They concert is very excited and interesting. They concert your name is WAVE. I'm very excited. Ring, MR. KIA, Have a Good Night, Go your way, where you are, time is over, lonely night, Ryu Can Do It, In My Head, Y. Why, My Miracle, Monster, HEART SONG, FOXY, coffee shop, I'm sorry, Lady, Radio, Like A Child, wake up and Can't stop. I like they songs.
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