
BR-9 Penguins

Penguins are birds with chunky bodies and short, flat wings.  (p.3)

Some penguins live in Antarctica, the coldest place on Earth. Most of the land is covered in thick ice land and snow all of the time. These penguins are standing on a huge floating block of ice called on iceberg. Penguin body is keep them warm. A thick layer of fat under their skin keeps out the cold. Penguins are good swimming. They are into the sea. They swim underwater and hunt for food. Add they dive in and out of the water while they are swimming to rest their wings. They eat a fish. On the other hands, Galapagos penguins is catch fish and swallow them whole. They walk on solid ground. When penguins are on solid ground, they have different ways of getting from place to place. Female penguin is lay to egg every year. Penguins gather in huge groups. Some penguins line their nests with grass and fathers to keep their eggs warm.    167

Bone Emily.(2009). Penguins  London;Usborn

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